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Is *any* true hierarchical menu possible in KickStart2? At all?

Tried asking this below in another post, hope I worded it right.
Does anyone understand what I'm talking about? Its how almost all hierarchical menus work on almost all major sites that have dropdown menus (which is virtually all of them). Kickstart2 seems to be obsessed with mobile friendly blocks, but excluding computers and pads which can use Superfish dropdown menus just fine (especially the latest version). Why the alienating of dropdown menus? Go to any major commercial website, they all use them, almost without exception. Along with a sidebar filter menu. Its the gold standard, so I'm not sure why almost all Drupal demos are set up with huge non-functional images (almost just to waste space for no reason), and ugly blocks that's are completely foreign to most people familiar with navigating, well, the internet. Its fine as an option, but what about just regular navigation everyone is familiar with, dropdown top menus, subcategories (mainsite.com/products/pies/fruit/pumpkin), intuitive URL's like that, and appropriate breadcrumbs (Products > Pies > Fruit > Pumpkin). Isn't this the simplest thing in the world? Why have I been struggling for weeks trying to wrap my head around how to make Drupal (Kickstart 2) do this? It should be a default! I've watched hours of these video tutorials, explaining about hierarchical categories that get so complex, and only manage to set things up to show links of subcategories, but you get no products until you get to its exact category. That's *not* how most sites work at all. Clicking on "Pies" for example (in my previous post, please go check it out), should result in display of thumbnails and listing of *all pies*. Clicking a parent category should always display all of the products in its subcategories, like a filter. Filtering should also be available in the left sidebar. Is this really that difficult to set up with Drupal KS2?

Asked by: S P
on December 23, 2014

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Here's a list of potential candidates for your site. http://megadrupal.com/blog/7-mega-menu-modules-for-drupal

Answer by: garpy
Posted: Dec 24, 2014



The site you linked mentions Superfish, which I already have installed. The problem isn't having a functioning menu, Superfish does that nicely.
The problem is displaying the proper results for each branch the user clicks on the menu. I still have no idea how to do this.
I don't see anything mentioned about getting correct hierarchical *results* to display, its all so disconnected in Drupal, it takes months to figure out anything, or potentially years. How do I do this one simple thing? Correctly functioning hierarchical menus! Its the gold standard of basic menu function, why is it so difficult to figure out how to do?

- S P on December 29, 2014


That site is pretty much exactly what I am trying to do! The left sidebar refinement filters as well. The breadcrumbs work correctly there, too!
The only thing that is out of sorts there is that the URL's aren't reflecting the hierarchy correctly, as the breadcrumbs do (some of the subcategories, the URL treats as a main category, directly off of " /store ", but this is a minor issue, I suppose). So, it *is* possible with Drupal 7, but I wish there was a template to do exactly this. Its taking forever to figure out.
What I have done in Kickstart 2 is set each main category as a vocabulary, and each subcategory as a term, and each child category of that, a subterm of that term, and so forth.
On the front end, it seems to still only display the item if the exact category is clicked that it is in, but fails to show the item if any parent category is clicked. (Therefore, not true hierarchy). The tutorials explaining how to manipulate the Views gets even more complex, and only seems to result in displaying the subcategories, rather than the *items* in the subcategories. The site you linked is pretty much what I am trying to do,. the question is just, how to do it the simplest way possible. I've already spent weeks on it all, its driving me crazy.

- S P on December 29, 2014

Hi, any ideas how I can implement this?

- S P on January 2, 2015