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The iATS Payments API library could not be found.

I just updated my installation of Commerce Kickstart (commerce_kickstart-7.x-2.16, Drupal core: 7.30), and now the status report is saying "The iATS Payments API library could not be found." In Rules, there's also this message under iATS Webservice: ProcessLink: "Error: Unknown action commerce_payment_enable_iats_soap_cc."

I don't want to take my site out of maintenance mode until this issue is resolved, but I can't find any help online to help me resolve it.

Asked by: Sam Huskey
on August 2, 2014


I got the message in the status report to go away by installing the library to be found at https://github.com/iATSPayments/PHP/, but that didn't resolve the error in Rules noted above (iATS Webservice: ProcessLink: "Error: Unknown action commerce_payment_enable_iats_soap_cc."). I would be most grateful for any help with that.

- Sam Huskey on August 2, 2014

Rolling back to previous version of the commerce_iats module resolved the Rules error. There's a problem with the latest version of the module, obviously.

- Sam Huskey on August 2, 2014

Upgrading Commerce Kickstart shouldn't have affected payment methods defined by Commerce iATS, but it looks like you're using the 1.x version, which is no longer supported.

The best course of action now is to uninstall the existing Commerce iATS module and install the latest release, which is version 2.4. Don't forget to run a database update after the installation.

We check the Commerce iATS issue queue daily, so please feel free to make a ticket via the project page if you continue to have issues. We'll see those and be able to address them a lot faster.

- Dan Ruscoe on August 11, 2014

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An update for those who, like me, need more than the laconic installation instructions in the README file.

  1. Go to https://github.com/iATSPayments/PHP/ and click "Download ZIP".
  2. Unzip the file that you downloaded in the previous step.
  3. Create a directory in sites/all/libraries called "iatspayments".
  4. Upload to "iatspayments" the contents of the file you unloaded in the first step.
  5. Check the status report. The error should be gone.

BUT the rule iATS Webservice: ProcessLink will still show "Error: Unknown action commerce_payment_enable_iats_soap_cc."
I haven't figured out how to fix that yet.

Answer by: Sam Huskey
Posted: Aug 2, 2014
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Upgrading Commerce Kickstart shouldn't have affected payment methods defined by Commerce iATS, but it looks like you're using the 1.x version, which is no longer supported.

The best course of action now is to uninstall the existing Commerce iATS module and install the latest release, which is version 2.4. Don't forget to run a database update after the installation.

We check the Commerce iATS issue queue daily, so please feel free to make a ticket via the project page if you continue to have issues. We'll see those and be able to address them a lot faster.

Answer by: Dan Ruscoe
Posted: Aug 11, 2014