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How to do Drupal Core updates with Drupal Commerce

I can't find any information about updating the Drupal Core (7.28 is now available and the system is screaming for it - you know how it is). Since I have never worked with a distribution before, I'm not sure just how to go about this and I certainly don't want to break Drupal Commerce. Is this done just like any other core update or do I have to do anything special to protect commerce, other than the normal backups etc.? I could just go ahead and do it - I'm only running a test site at this point - but this would be very helpful to know.

Asked by: Don Kettle
on May 13, 2014


I updated my Drupal core to 7.28 today via Drush. For example you have this website: www.yourdomain/drupalcommerce

From the terminal, ssh to your site. Cd to the www folder and install Drush there by the following commands:

- git clone https://github.com/drush-ops/drush.git

- pwd to check your Drush path, for example in this case: /home5/www/drush/drush

- Chmod u+x /home5/www/drush/drush

Install composer on the drush folder:

- curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php

From Drush folder, run Composer to fetch dependencies

- Php-cli /home5/www/drush/composer.phar install

- Update Drupal core

In drupal folder execute this command

/home5//www/drush/drush up drupal

- Thanh Nguyen on June 1, 2014

2 Answers

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I don't think you should have to worry about anything when doing a core update. My understanding is that the core files should be fine, the distribution just includes all the secondary and additional modules needed.

As a test I did an upgrade on a Kickstart dev site I had and it all worked fine so I think you should be fine to just update core files IMO.


David Roddis
Answer by: David Roddis
Posted: May 15, 2014
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Thanks David. I will give this a try on the test server we are building before we move it over to production. That should be safe enough. :)

Answer by: Don Kettle
Posted: May 16, 2014