Weird Add Product bug
I am using kickstart v2 with demo content installed. I tried adding products via Management Menu (Products -> Add a product -> Select Variation Type -> Enter Details) and the product doesn't appear in the 'admin/commerce/products' list (but variations appear in the 'admin/commerce/products/variations' page). However, when I go to 'admin/commerce/products' page and then click "+ Add Product" button, select variation type and fill in the details, product DOES appear in the list on 'admin/commerce/products' page. Both methods are using the same links. I dont know why this happens. And also I cant generate a view using Rendered Node if the product is added with the former (buggy) way. It is really annoying not being able to use the shortcut button to add a product on management menu. Any solutions? Thanks.
By the way, I am addressing to Commerce Guys here.