How to display billing infromation with commerce email?
Hello everybody,
I have been using commerce Invoice 7x-10-alfa3
commerce Email 7x-2x-dev
Variable email 7x-10-alpha -1x
Variable 7x-22,4-dev
HTML 7.x-2.65 modules
I want to sent an invoice email which will include except of the order information
(included in the token [commerce-order:commerce-email-order-items] ) but also the billing information address (I need all the information as it is appearing in the order view). However, even though i try two different tokens [commerce-invoice:order:commerce-customer-billing:commerce_customer_address] and
[commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing] none of the them renders any data but they just appear as simple strings!. Also other tokens i added in the body of the email, are just displayed as simple strings.
From what i have seen there is an issue with commerce email ,which have not been yet resolved . I was wondering whether someone has found a workround solution i can use.
Failing that is there any other way i could achieve the same result ? maybe applying a simple rule for displaying the order information as well the billing information name and address?
Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated.
And I'll add I'm not really sure what's causing the issue with address field tokens, but it seems it may be related more to the e-mail generation function stripping them of their markup. When I replace the tokens on their own in testing, I see them printed out with all of the divs and spans required to format them properly.