Empty billing information on review pane
When I go through the checkout and fill out all the information on the first pane (checkout/[cart-id]/checkout) and then go through the shipping pane (checkout/[cart-id]/shipping) to the review pane (checkout/[cart-id]/review), it shows that there is "no information".
It creates all the profiles for my profile types - I have default "billing" and additional "shipping" and "invoice" - with the provided data (admin/commerce/customer-profiles), but when I go to check Shopping Cart page (admin/commerce/orders/carts) my actual order has empty values for profile types.
When I finish the order it is also empty on the Orders page (admin/commerce/orders).
I think there is a problem on the connection between creating the profiles and assigning them (or their data) to the order.
I use these not-default Commerce modules:
- Commerce Checkout Progress
- Commerce PayU
- Customer Profile Type UI
- Commerce Extra
- Commerce Extra Address Populate
- Commerce Extra Quantity