How do I reset my password if I don't know the current one?
I'm logged in, but don't know my password. I logged in by clicking a link in the retrieve password function.
When I try to change my password now, it askes for my old one. I have none.
What do I do?
For some reason the session is being lost. This is a known bug in Drupal. It usually happens if one does the reset password bit, uses the URL to log in, but then moves off that edit page for some reason before changing the password. When one comes back to the page the server thinks the user has already changed the password. This security feature was added for Drupal 7. Alas, it can lead to a catch-22 situation as described. As mentioned sometimes just logging off and then requesting a new password will solve it.. but if not then one needs to clear the cookies and cache on ones browser. And then try again.
We had the same thing happening to folks on our server. One solution that worked for us was to install a module that gives the option to remove that challenge. . The folks here at drupacommerce may come up with a better one.