Text removal "item"
i want to remove the word "item" that appears in the shopping cart, as i just use a shopping bag icon and implement the number of total items in cart. Rather removing the word or getting the total amount of products in cart via code.
Any suggestion?
Solved :)
global $user;
$quantity = 0;
$order = commerce_cart_order_load($user->uid);
if ($order) {
$wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('commerce_order', $order);
$line_items = $wrapper->commerce_line_items;
$quantity = commerce_line_items_quantity($line_items, commerce_product_line_item_types());
$total = commerce_line_items_total($line_items);
$currency = commerce_currency_load($total['currency_code']);
print format_plural($quantity, '1 item', '@count items'); ?>
This will return the item
This will return the item amout + the word "item". I just removed it in the print section. done. Hope it helps