Update button in shopping cart block
Hi there! Is it possible to add a quantity text field and a update button into cart block like it is in the cart summary??
Hi there! Is it possible to add a quantity text field and a update button into cart block like it is in the cart summary??
I would do this by updating the shopping cart block view and replacing the "(Line Item) Commerce Line Item: Quantity" field with the "(Line Item) Commerce Line Item: Quantity text field (Quantity text field) " field. Then you'll need to hook_form_alter() the cart block form to add a submit/update button.
* Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
function your_module_name_form_views_form_commerce_cart_block_default_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
$form['submit'] = array(
'#type' => 'submit',
'#value' => t('Update cart'),
'#weight' => 51,
Thanks, It works great! Just a question. Why just adding is enough? I mean without having write the submit callback to update the quantities. Is it a commerce of the scenes operation or somthing?
Just a quick question??
how do i do the "Then you'll need to hook_form_alter() the cart block form to add a submit/update button" part??
I'm a little bit lost, i need to create a module just to implement that hook??
sorry if it sounds noob, but its my first time using hooks...
You could also use your custom theme's theme.php file to implement hooks.