How to give a different title for product variation in cart?
Here is the situation:
I have a product display with 2 product variations. Let's call the display "Apple iPod Touch 8GB" and the variations are "Apple iPod Touch 8GB - White" and "Apple iPod Touch 8GB - Black".
In the product display I will see a select element with the two options. But I want to give these options a smaller name like "White" and "Black". And when I press "Add to cart" I want the status message and cart to give it the title "Apple iPod Touch 8GB - [product variation]" and not just the title "Black or White" (which happens when I use the variation title "Black or White").
How can I fix this?
Can you explain where I can "set the title to include the full name plus the color indication as you select the color in the attribute field."?