
Create a node product that the purchaser can edit.

I'm having difficulties understanding how I can create a product to sell where the buyer can edit a text field on their own privately bought node.
I've come up with a scenario but I don't know how to construct everything.

I'm having difficulties understanding how I can create a product to sell where the buyer can edit a text field on their own privately bought node. I've come up with a scenario but I don't know how to construct everything.

Here's the scenario:
1. I create a product type A.
2. I create a product of type A.
3. I create a product display for that product.
4. I sell that same product 100 times to different buyers.
5. Each buyer has their own purchased product and can change a particular text field B.
6. I (or any store collaborator) would be notified that this text field B has indeed been changed and I would have access to see that text field B.
7. I would update a related text field C (a bit like a remark but not a Drupal comment) only on the buyers purchased node for the buyer to see.
8. The buyer is notified of the update and can view the related text field C.
9. If a buyer doesn't update his specific text field B on their node within one month time, the ability to edit that particular text field B expires.

I hope it is clear. If not, please fire your questions.

I'm not asking to create a screencast for me (of course that would be awesome) but I would like to get my architecture in order first before I actually start building only to see that I'm using the wrong approach. So if you have any idea how this would be possible, please share.


Posted: May 18, 2012


joshmiller Josh Miller on May 20, 2012

Hi BassPlaya. Glad to see you made it on the site.

Sounds like you are after two things:

* Custom Line Items - http://commerceguys.com/blog/introduction-custom-line-items-drupal-commerce and http://drupal.org/project/commerce_custom_line_items
* Rules - You could create your one-month-delay'ed action using rules. To learn more about Rules, checkout NodeOne.se 's videos: http://dev.nodeone.se/node/984

Hope that helps.


BassPlaya on May 20, 2012

Thank you Josh!

I've been viewing the screencast by Randy and I think I understand what I need to do, I'll try it out like he suggests.
Even though I know rules quite well, the link about the rules framework will definitely come in handy!
One more thing that I wasn't sure if that was possible is to allow a user (customer) see their previous purchases? I guess that should be possible with a view, right?

joshmiller Josh Miller on May 21, 2012

Seeing previous orders is traditionally done on the user's login page. If you are logged in as user/1, then use this url:


If not, you can simply type /user and you should be able to click on the tab "Orders"

The view that makes this possible: /admin/structure/views/view/commerce_user_orders/edit/order_page
