Instructiosn on how to set up Line item product has term... Although the module has been much updated since I made that screenshot. The steps remain pretty much the same. Apart from term reference field will be the actual taxonomy vocabulary now and the Term ID is the actual proper taxonomy term name now that you select from a select box
You will not need to add the quantity discount ranges as you are aiming at a price discount via taxonomy term only. Repeat procedure if you have different discount prices on different products, until you have all your discounts set up.
Also Randy Fay's Videos have some discounts done (I think using taxes from memory) in some of his videos. But you want taxonomy targeting so using Prince Manfred's Commerce Extra Rules in the probably the best and only option for your needs.
To Clarify
To Clarify, do you mean something like the below?
If customer spends $50.00 They get 10% taken off the total order
If customer spends $100.00 They get 20% taken off the total order
If customer spends $150.00 They get 25% taken off the total order
If customer spends $200.00 They get 30% taken off the total order
My client wants to be able to take a dollar amount of the sale. As in example below:
A product (8oz of Olive Oil) cost $15 and the discount is $5 off
or A Cake (taxonomy term) gets $5 off.
Would that be possible.
Thanks for responding by the way. Greatly appreciated.
By Price
I think you could do it this way:
make a price discount in cents amount (Just remove the decimal) like the screenshot below
No if you add a Rules condition Line item product has term after installing Prince Manfred's Commerce Extra Rules Module:
Instructiosn on how to set up Line item product has term... Although the module has been much updated since I made that screenshot. The steps remain pretty much the same. Apart from term reference field will be the actual taxonomy vocabulary now and the Term ID is the actual proper taxonomy term name now that you select from a select box
You will not need to add the quantity discount ranges as you are aiming at a price discount via taxonomy term only. Repeat procedure if you have different discount prices on different products, until you have all your discounts set up.
Also Randy Fay's Videos have some discounts done (I think using taxes from memory) in some of his videos. But you want taxonomy targeting so using Prince Manfred's Commerce Extra Rules in the probably the best and only option for your needs.
Randy's instructional videos
Great news! Thanks!