signed contract module or recipe.for drupal Commerce?
hello, i came across this wordpress plugin and I need to know if drupal commerce has either a module or technique that can do this. basically it generals a signed contract into the paypal purchase. I had never thought about it before, but once I saw this idea a light flipped on. this is a deal maker/breaker This HAS to be in any shopping cart I am using. I cant tell you how long I have gone back and back forth over whether I should drupal for a shopping cart or some other third party's cart. this plugin is only for paypal for now, but even show, i still need it. i hope somebody can tell me if if this can be done with drupal.
this is the warriorforum add.
anybody? please?
First of all, the page you
First of all, the page you linked to looks and feels like spam. Be careful what you read and believe on the internet.
Second of all, terms & conditions isn't a new idea, and thankfully, there are a lot of modules that handle this for the drupal commerce checkout process. I recommend the following module:
thanks for responding
I am sorry about posting the link. i dont get any money out it and I am not connected to this dude in any way. i thought that might be a mistake, but it explained exactly what i was looking for. thanks for posting to the module. If I can find a way to add a digital signiture to the form everything will fall into place.