
How to auto-update stock on DC site for sales at physical shops?

A customer has stock management application for managing stock levels between 3 shops, plus a Drupal Commerce e-shop.
They would ideally need:

  • Stock levels on the Drupal Commerce site to be updated when an item is sold in a physical (brick and mortar) shop.
  • Stock levels in the physical shops to be auto-updated when an item is sold online so that an item is not sold to a buyer in the shop if it has already been reserved online.

Are there any automated ways of doing this with with Drupal Commerce?

Posted: Feb 19, 2013


realskorpion on February 20, 2013


I don't think you'll find a "plug and play" solution for what you need.
Because you need communication between your ERP and drupal commerce
and that is a very specific
You can get more information about how to develop for drupal commerce here: http://www.drupalcommerce.org/developer-guide
There's an interesting project about commerce services resources: http://drupal.org/project/commerce_services (cool idea by the way).
And as last resort you can access your drupal commerce DB directly and update it (but I don't recommend this option)



marktheshark on March 5, 2013

Commerce Services sounds very promising, I guess that will be the main way to integrate with external ERP / stock management applications.