How to set up menu structure from tags
Hi All.
I will try to keep this short (not my strongest point).
I am an experienced joomla user (create my own templates etc).
For one project, i am building an website with webshop.
I was looking for more flexibility for my future project and started looking to Drupal.
Which is AMAZING!
The problem:
I looked for multiple options to make a normal menu structure:
- Full taxonomy menu. Didn't work because every tag is looking for products not a category overview page.
- Normal menu with taxonomy groups below that. Still a subcategory overview is not possible.
- Views with filters etc.
This is what i am looking for:
- Main shop --> show categories (this can be done with a view page).
- Connectors --> show subcategories with picture
- Subcategory --> if subcategories show them, else show products
- Subcategory or products
- Products
This is possible when making a lot of menu's and and seperate taxonomy lists.
But this would be impossible to do for a content manager.
The question:
Is it possible to do the above automaticly (like a normal webshop menu structure) or is coding needed?
Thanks in advance. I really hope that i am overlooking something.
Wrong title
Ok. I created a block (view) with taxomony's with a contextual filter on taxonomy term: parent term.
Now is shows all the categories. What am i doing wrong?