
Creating Product Display Content Type

what should the "Title" be when creating a content type Product Display? new install of Drupal Commerce (i'm proficient with commercekickstart). i don't know/understand the relationship between the Store>Products>Product Types fields and their relationship when creating a new Product Display Content Type, if there is any?

am i supposed to use a field in Store>Products>Product Types when i create a new Product Display Content Type?

in creating Product Display Content Type what do i enter in the "Title field label" field? it has the default of "Title". is this the tie back to Store>Products>Product Types?

or is the tie back to Store>Products>Product Types is that done in Product Display Content Type page 2 when you enter the fields? if so what is the exact name of the field that i enter here?

thank you.

PS. Drupal Commerce seems just as easy as commercekickstart except for no documentation on this ONE hang up!

Posted: Aug 27, 2012


TimesArrow on August 27, 2012


********************* i think it now should read "Content type" **********************

To set this up manually, follow these steps:

1. Add a (Content) type called Product display. Submit using the Save and add fields button.
(what goes in the "Title field label" that has a default of "Title"?)
2. Add a Product Reference field (what should i enter? is this a field name that already exists in Store>Product>Product Type?) that uses an Autocomplete text field widget. Make the field required and allow an unlimited number of values (even if you only intend to use a single value for now).
3. Click over to the Manage display tab and ensure this field uses the Add to Cart form display formatter. You might also want to move around the product fields you see listed here.
4. Create a Product display referencing one of your products and examine the node's teaser and full page views. You may want to change the way product fields are displayed. To do this, you actually have to browse to your product type's Manage display page and update the display formatter settings there. You can only adjust the sort order and visibility of product fields through the content type edit pages, not the formatter settings.

Mostafa Lameei on February 3, 2014

I got confused, Lets say I have a color field which has 3 colors to choose from on my product type. Then I have added 3 products with 3 different colors so they are variants of a product. Now I have to create the product display. Shall I add color field here referencing the color filed on product type? (I want users to choose the color and then the pic and price product to change. )