If we create warranty as a normal product it adds 5 dollar shipping charges, and warranty is not a shippable item. so is there a way we can define whats shippable item and what not.
Product bundle seems to be a nice option, this way I think we will be able to offer Product B along with Product A, but can we make Product B an optional choice.
Create a product called "1 year warranty"
Just create a product called "one year warranty" and sell it.
You might want to make a rule that suggests it (with a message) or you might want to use [Commerce Product Bundle](http://drupal.org/project/commerce_product_bundle) to sell it with your product.
it ads an additional shipping cost
Thanks for the response
If we create warranty as a normal product it adds 5 dollar shipping charges, and warranty is not a shippable item. so is there a way we can define whats shippable item and what not.
Product bundle seems to be a nice option, this way I think we will be able to offer Product B along with Product A, but can we make Product B an optional choice.
There are a number of
There are a number of shipping videos showing how to use shipping rules over on http://commerceguys.com or on the [Vimeo channel](http://vimeo.com/channels/commerceguys)