
Cataloging Product or Product Display?


I want to use Taxonomy terms to catalog my Products. However, since drupal commerce separates "Product" from "Product Display", I am a little bit confused where to attach my term reference.

In another word, should I catalog the "Product" or the "Product Display" ?

Looks to me, adding the term reference to Product is very straight-forward, and most importantly, since the catalog information is attached to the Product itself, it will not be messed up if alternative display strategy is used in place of the Product Display Node.

Recently, I came across a great tutorial by Ryan on Drupal Commerce Catalog (http://vimeo.com/22748684), which actually applies catalog on the Product Display.

Now, I am confused:
what's the best practice for Taxonomy based catalog ?
should I catalog the "Product" or the "Product Display" ?


Posted: Jun 18, 2014
