How can I execute commerce feeds Imports programmatically?
I would like to trigger one (already configured) import after the other - programmatically - from e.g. a custom form or module.
Could anyone point me into the right direction?
Thank you.
PS: Commerce is a wonderful module!
Feeds question
That's really a feeds question. I think you'll probably get a better response at or with a support request in the [Feeds issue queue](
Solution in case someone needs it:
Found somewhere else (sorry, I forgot):
// $title Title to show to user when executing batch.
// $method Method to execute on importer; one of 'import', 'clear' or 'expire'.
// $importer_id Identifier of a FeedsImporter object.
// $feed_nid If importer is attached to content type, feed node id identifying the source to be imported.
// Files to import in specific order.
$files = array(
'machine_name_of_feeds_import_job' => 'filetoimport.csv',
// add more jobs here to import
$noofimports = count($files);
foreach ($files as $feed => $file) {
$feedSource = feeds_source($feed);
// Set the file name to import
$filename = 'sites/default/files/feeds/' . $file;
if (!file_destination($filename, FILE_EXISTS_ERROR)) {
$config = $feedSource->getConfig();
$config['FeedsFileFetcher']['source'] = $filename;
$batch = array(
'title' => t('Importing: (' .$noofimports. ') ' .$feed ),
'operations' => array(
array('feeds_batch', array('import', $feed, 0)),
'progress_message' => t('Current: @current | Remaining:
@remaining | Total: @total | Percentage: @percentage | Estimate:
@estimate | Elapsed: @elapsed'),