Metatag Commerce
Metatag Commerce sandbox:
I've created a simple module to expand on the Metatag module to provide better support for commerce sites.
Currently the only thing DC-specific are some defaults I've set for some of the tags, but I'm also planning on adding a default Product Display configuration and would like to enable support for Product entities for the Metatag module. I welcome feedback and co-maintainers if anyone is interested.
I'm still in the process of developing it a little more. So far, tags included in the sandbox:
I also have the following tags in my working copy, which I'll commit later on today:
twitter:card "product", option added to available card types.
I expect some defaults will need tweaking to work with a more generic setup. I've been working on this to enable Pinterest rich pins, Twitter Cards, etc. for better integration with social networks.
I've also included a fix for og:image and twitter:image tags to split multiple images into multiple tags rather than a comma-delineated list (code originally written by fiftyz over at I included the code as it's necessary to work with social networks, and because fiftyz's code only made the fix for open graph images -- eventually, the fix will probably be in the appropriate Metatag submodules.
I've been looking for a
I've been looking for a module to get Pinterest rich pins set up, so this is excellent. Thank you!
No problem! The module may
No problem! The module may eventually be integrated with the main Metatag module as an optional submodule.
I still have to work out the implementation of product-entity meta tags - as of now, you can define them, but they don't generate the tags on a product display page. To enable product-related data for rich pins, twitter cards, etc., add them to your product display nodes or a product display node default from the Metatag administration page (you'll have to add the default configuration). I have both rich pins and twitter cards working with a site I developed and manage.
Let me know if you have any thoughts/comments/questions (either here, or ideally as an issue on the sandbox) - it's good to know others find it useful!
Twitter Product Card
I'm trying to use this with Twitter product card but can't seem to get it working. How do I get the price and amount in the Product Display node metatag setup?
The following tokens are used in the Commerce Product metatag config:
Data1: [commerce-product:commerce-price:amount_decimal]
Label1: [commerce-product:commerce-price:currency_code]
When I tried copying those over to the Product display config, I got an error saying that the tokens were invalid.
Do you have a suggestion on how to fix this? Thank you.