Migrating to Commerce
So I went with Ubercart for D7 a few months back, mainly because people were saying Commerce wasn't ready. Well, as it turns out, UC for D7 is the one that isn't ready and so now I'm going to migrate the shop today.
It appears that Commerce is even more modular than UC in the sense that many of the submodules in UC are now contributed. Is there a comparison list to show what modules for Commerce you need to recreate what you already have in UC? I.e. it says if you're using Taxes in UC you need the Commerce Tax module, if ou're using rules you need Commerce Rules, etc.
I'm looking forward to making the switch to Commerce. It really looks like a lot of people are excited about it and interested in making it the premiere solution for eCommerce sites.
SIDENOTE: Is this site the Commerce equivalent of Ubercart.org? Meaning should we be posting issues here and bugs on Drupal? I already see some issues posted but I just wanted to find out if that was official.
Thanks everyone!
commerce migrate module
The Commerce Migrate module may be of interest and may answer some of your questions. http://drupal.org/project/commerce_migrate
Yeah, I'm already using that module. Thanks.
I thought I was using that module, however, it isn't very intuitive to me how to accomplish changing an Ubercart site into a Commerce site. The example shows migrating from one site to another, but I need to migrate from one site to the same site.
How do you do this?