Commerce PayPal 2.0 Released

At the end of last year, I began an update to Commerce PayPal guided by my awesome integration engineer, Todd Hashimoto of PayPal.
Our goal was clear: integrate Express Checkout, PayPal Payments Advanced, and Payflow Link on top of the PayPal Payments Standard / Pro support the module already offered.
By the time we hit beta, PayPal let us know just what they thought of our integration... by saying it was the strongest integration they've seen and then joining us to talk about it at DrupalCon Portland.
We've received great feedback from users and developers during the beta period, so I've just packaged a full 2.0 release incorporating a few bug fixes and additional features.
The services integrated now offer:
- Express Checkout - redirects customers to PayPal from the shopping cart form (the "shortcut flow") or during checkout when PayPal is selected as the payment method (the "mark flow"). The shortcut flow allows customers to bypass your on-site checkout form entirely and return to your site to confirm the final order total after pricing rules have a chance to run in response to the addresses entered at PayPal. The mark flow allows customers to still pay via PayPal even if they first progress through your on-site checkout form with no final on-site confirmation necessary. Supports reference transactions through billing agreements.
- PayPal Payments Advanced - either redirects customers to PayPal or uses an iframe embedded in the on-site checkout process to accept payment via credit card or PayPal account. PayPal provides the merchant account for credit card transactions, supporting reference transactions for up to 12 months after the initial transaction.
- Payflow Link - this is the same service as PayPal Payments Advanced, but you can use your existing merchant account. Not to be confused with the on-site credit card processing offered Payflow Pro.
We still have a list of features to add and integrations to improve, and we invite additional feedback from users and developers in the issue queue.
Planned improvements include PayPal Credit support, region specific PayPal services (like Hosted Sole Solution), and Commerce Card on File integration for reference transactions.
Hey Ryan, I know recurring
Hey Ryan, I know recurring billing has always been a pain but does this get us any closer to paypal recurring billing?
- Sean Bannister
From Ryan ... the short
From Ryan ... the short answer is "yes it does, but it still needs to be integrated with card on file 2.x. Note that this means we will support a Commerce recurring payment, not a Paypal API recurring payment."
See Card on File / Recurring module integration.
Recurring Payments
Is there any documentation or module that can integrate a paypal recurring payment? I can process a simple payment with this module which works great, but how can I integrate a recurring payment - like using their subscription button. I don't need the IPN stuff to manage the account as I have only a few users and can manage it myself.
Payflow Link & Bill Me Later
Payflow Link requires that Bill Me Later be a payment option. This release announcement suggests that Payflow Link is supported, but that Bill Me Later support is coming in the future. Does this mean that we can't currently use this module with Payflow Link or just that we can't integrate specifically with Bill Me Later (outside of the context of Payflow Link)?
Copperly - explore your payment options.
As far as I know, from the
As far as I know, from the configuration screens within Payflow Link and my interaction with PayPal, Bill Me Later is an optional addition to PFL. The modules were vetted by PayPal prior to release, and BML integration was set aside as a follow-on integration opportunity. The next minor release of Commerce PayPal will have what BML integration is required - though in reality it's mostly just another payment button with the actual option being turned on via your PayPal account.