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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.

Question Need some direction for custom line items

I want to show user and admin values of all custom line items. Admin needs it to fulfill the order and ... user needs it to see what he ordered. I am thinking of changing this view or add another view to show ...
ganesh — November 2012 — Custom Line Item, custom field

Question Setting Custom Fields at Checkout

Vote up! 6 Vote down! Our subscription site requires that users submit address information ... pre-checkout. In order to make the process a little easier on the users we wanted to pass information back into ...
dannymacom — April 2013 — Checkout, FAQ

Discussion Can't send customer email without account creation

a pre-existing user"). However when I do this, although the account is not being created, which is what ...
headbank — January 2013 — 4 comments

Answer Answer to Question 5545

selling user info to marketing businesses, though they claim the info that's sold is only shopping ...
FelixC — August 2014

Discussion [SOLVED] Removing line items from an order if they're prohibited

caching of the mailing zip. How do I prevent this loop and allow users to remove the slingshot from the ...
tyreldenison — January 2012 — 7 comments

Answer Answer to Question 38569

{                "USING": {                  "user": ["site:current-user ...
tjohnston Travis — August 2015 — 1 comment

Question How do I create custom shipping using a per-product field?

Vote up! 0 Vote down! I want the shipping costs per item to be added manually when the user ...
delta_next — April 2013 — Shipping

Question Commerce monthly orders view

The users will do a order for everyday of the month, and the system needs to create a view, a table ... one for each day, and in the horizontal row must have all the products that the user order... ...
alduxvm — February 2013 — Order, monthly, Reporting

Discussion Need some hiint for building products catalog

Hello. As shown here- ...
Spider84 — March 2013 — 1 comment

Question Donation Page

item tutorial so the user can select one value or input his own. I have 30 nodes of a certain content ...
