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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.

Question Different cart and checkout for different type of products?

and each type should have a cart for their own. (i,e) If a user adds a product of type one, it should ...
sathishdevan — April 2013 — commerce cart

Answer Answer to Question 8668

a checkbox seen by the user that will turn off the quantity in the cart? ...
akosipax — July 2013

Answer Answer to Question 8894

/sites/all/themes/xxx/template.php add the following code at the bottom function get_user_purchased_products(){// Assuming we have ... $user populated with the user's ID: global $user; $query = db_select('commerce_order', ... = prod.entity_id'); $query->condition('cord.uid', $user ...
mike.hajj — April 2014 — 1 comment

Question My entity_load line item does not include product attributes

show the by the user selected product attribute. Like i have an attribute color "Green". Does ...
houseman — February 2014 — attributes line_item

Answer Answer to Question 3223

change the owner to the user in question. That part seems pretty straightforward Drupal. I do it for ... creating nodes as Admin for other user accounts, for example. However, to reference existing customer ... profiles for the user, you're going to need the Commerce Addressbook module, as that's the module ...
Ryan Ryan Szrama — April 2013 — 1 comment

Question UPS Shipping Selection

email does not indicate what the user selected as a shipping option. I've been able to use tokens ...
jfduguid — February 2014 — UPS, Shipping, confirmation email

Answer Answer to Question 3159

writing new features for existing commerce_* contrib. For discussion sake, lets say that your users are ... able to save their CC info using a CIM provider. The CIM feature is exposed to the user, not ... masquerade module to allow an admin role to "switch" to that user and create the order. Not ...
warmnoise — November 2012 — 1 comment

Answer Answer to Question 8597[0]=bun... Multiple products approach: ...
joshmiller Josh Miller — June 2013

Discussion How to add a "Express Checkout" button next to "Add to Cart"

Hello, I'm a new user of Drupal Commerce and Drupal itself, and it's been quite the ... options to the end user (even though that'd be just me assigning to product reference fields to the ...
missjane — March 2012 — 6 comments

Discussion content location

i take contact us and move that to the very top by user 1 or 2 which is the login area? how can i move ...
ariban99 — March 2013 — 4 comments
