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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.

Answer Answer to Question 13273

Vote up! 0 Vote down! You are describing a common use case. We call this "Customizable Line Items" and you can achieve this by creating a field on your line item type and clicking a checkbox that says enable this field on the add to cart form. ...
joshmiller Josh Miller — March 2014 — 2 comments

Discussion display custom order fields in a checkout pane

field in checkout panes, so users can fill them. but by default there is no relation between fields that ...
moallemi — January 2012 — 2 comments

Question How do i set order number when status change to pending

order number because its depend on user when finish checkout. (sorry for my bad english, i hope its ...
stamina — February 2013 — Order

Discussion Custom Customer Profile or Custom Line Item?

I'm looking for some advise from someone who may have more experience with Commerce than I do. I am creating a store for children's class registration. I would like to capture some information about the child at checkout, like Name, Age, Gender ...
dashonice — December 2011 — 1 comment

Question How do I create an order for a customer manually?

a customer? and second, can you then send a payment request email for the registered user to pay (through ...

Question Add a custom extra login pane in chekout

adding users. Commerce Outer login page does very well but displays only two links for anonymous off ...
woprrr — February 2013 — Login, Checkout

Question Update Quantity of Product B based on Product A

Vote up! 0 Vote down! Hello, I have a website that users can register for Courses on. Courses are ... (I've tried Commerce Fee but had no luck so this made the most sense). When the user is at the cart ... So this is what I have working so far: 1) User adds product to cart 2) Rule checks if product has ...
tjohnston Travis — June 2013 — quantity, Rules

Discussion Is it possible to create a grid of product variations like this..

I'd like a user of my site to be able to add to cart a quantity and variation at the same ...
RedMist — January 2014 — 1 comment

Answer Answer to Question 4630

Drupal users is confusing enough, let alone non-Drupal users. Instead we've done a lot of work to ... simplify the architecture so users simply need to know they're creating products on the site, and the ... core, not to Commerce Kickstart, which specializes in providing a user interface on top of Drupal ...
Ryan Ryan Szrama — April 2013 — 3 comments

Question Add to cart form with ability to buy two same products with line item fields

lenses. For choosing vision defect parameters I use line item fields. The problem is that user needs ... When user choose different defect for second eye something like that needs to show up: ... Lukasz Zmudziak — October 2014 — Line Item, add to cart
