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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.

Question How to create a payment module

Vote up! 0 Vote down! Hi, We're trying to create a Drupal Commerce payment module for our company's special payment service, and implementation for Magento was pretty painless, but for Drupal Commerce, it's been a magical ride of confusion ...

Answer Answer to Question 8931

possible to do it with creating a webservice resource? must the user be login? thanks! ...
Virgilio — August 2015

Discussion Pricing Rule changes base price permanently

I have created a user role "reseller". Every user in this role gets an individual ... discount, for example user XXX got 10% discount, user YYY got 15%. The discount is saved in the user ... {"entity": ["site:current-user:profile-fachhandel"], "field": ...
christof.simon — December 2014 — 1 comment

Answer Answer to Question 9131

Vote up! 0 Vote down! There is no way to do this at present using Users as the base entity type of ... the User table to include user information on the View, but you'll still face the issue of ... needing to limit it to a single customer profile per user. How would you determine which one to use in the ...
Ryan Ryan Szrama — August 2013

Discussion A alternative idea for attributes with price- line type, rules and product references

might keep Commerce as a viable option in this use case. Background User experience has been an issue. ... were updated. What did not work-> the user experience was awful. Why? Because Pricing Attributes ... updates the price dynamically, but the Commerce quantity field and line types do not. For the user, this ...
mikeaja — March 2014 — 11 comments

Question Can Commerce Handle An Insurance Product?

hear other suggestions. User enters zip code, gender, date of birth, spouse & child(ren) info, etc. ... Product list is shown based on a number of conditions including state and age User selects product & ... attributes (deductible/percentage coverage) and price is shown. User clicks "Apply" User answers ...
clevster28 — February 2013 — insurance, recurring, Price

Discussion Login to Checkout

I need help trying to make sure a user is logged in before attempting to check out. A few things ... I have noticed... When a user is not logged in they can add items to the cart but will not be given the ... option to check out (I want this, but I know it can be set for anonymous). When a user logs in, the items ...
pumpkinkid — September 2011 — 1 comment

Question Recurring payment integration help needed.

allows a user to subscribe to recurring payments using his credit card, and then the module can authorize ... users, where they can start a session, which authorizes an amount from their card, and afterwards when ... user initially makes an authorization for a max time (let's say one hour) an then when the user is ...

Question drupal to drupal commerce migration

one)... Is there a way to simply "copy" all the commerce related data (configuration, users ...
joachimdesa joachim — July 2016 — Migration

Answer Answer to Question 10229 it works. ... — January 2014
