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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.

Question Price varying/discounts by customer profile field

user details. I have a custom field in the customer profile and I am trying to get the order to update ...
ordermonkey — August 2013 — Discount

Discussion View of product displays.

I made a view of the product displays like in this video tutorial by Randy Fay: I have a 1 product display of a shoe, referenced to 12 producttypes (the same shoe in several sizes) Now the view shows all the 12 producttypes seper ...
Dreamwebs — April 2012 — 2 comments

Discussion How to dynamically calculate the sell price of a product using rules

I have a quesiton for the comunity! I see that using: Event: Calculating the sell price of a product Action: Set the unit price to a specific amount Everithing works very good if i want just to change the price. Now I'm trying to change the above &qu ...
stefano.marodin — January 2012 — 9 comments

Answer Answer to Question 3295

mange products. Therefore, when user try to create the same product (SKU) he can not see in the mange ...
harpsichord — June 2013

Discussion Sales Tax on Role Based Prices

We have a site with a role for wholesale buyers and a price rule that is providing the correct price for the roles. We also have a simple state sales tax configured for one state. Our sales tax is being calculated on the larger retail price instead of the ...
RonD — August 2012 — 1 comment

Discussion Event registrion and Drupal Commerce API

items, and send a user to a payment page? Also, is there a way to handle refunds if someone changes their ... signup details (Use case: user decides they don't want to attend a specific workshop, so they ...
brianV — February 2011 — 1 comment

Question How do I Fetch Product Author from Commerce Order With Rules

"user", "id": ["fetched-product:creator:uid"]},           "PROVIDE": ...
xbrianx — July 2013 — Rules, Order, Product, line items

Discussion Variable Base Currency with Real-Time Display Pricing?

displayed in a user selected language and a user selected currency. The displayed price should be calculated ...
johnm — February 2011 — 1 comment

Discussion Sales tax calculated based on the line item's price rather than product's unit price

I am changing the product's unit price before the product is added to the cart. The sales tax must be based on the new changed unit price instead of the standard unit price. At present DC tax calculation uses the product's unit price instead of ...
metarama — January 2012 — 8 comments

Answer Answer to Question 7600

Vote up! 2 Vote down! Yes, If I Understood your question right, you have to use relationship in views. You can find this video helpful ...
drupalastic — April 2013 — 1 comment
