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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.

Answer Answer to Question 9442 "); @import url(" ...
alf_frommars — August 2014

Question Best practice for deploying content & structure in Drupal Commerce and for syncing between separate DC instances

syncing users (customer profiles) & orders? sync deploy staging database ...
bypass — August 2013 — sync, deploy, staging, , database

Answer Answer to Question 8730

item. This data can be used in various places through the user interface (i.e. Views, Rules, Tokens) ...
Ryan Ryan Szrama — July 2013

Discussion Special instructions field

I created a new field for my products called category and I set up my test site's order page as a view that displays all items from a particular category in a table: View: Table: I'm trying to find a way to add a button that pops up a text field ...
switch — October 2011 — 6 comments

Discussion iDeal, Dutch payment

iDeal is widely used in the Netherlands for payments directly with the customers bank. An iDeal payment module is almost manditary to make Drupal Commerce be addopted in the Netherlands. Ar there any projects going on implementing iDeal. Is there a paymen ...
spoetnik — July 2011 — 9 comments

Answer Answer to Question 8599

can't control what the user does once they've already redirected. The best thing to do would be to ...
Ryan Ryan Szrama — July 2013 — 1 comment

Question Send Email by Rule based on payment mehtod

the user choose Bank Transfer, i want to mention the bank account number, if he used COD, i want to ...
dready2011 — August 2013 — Rules, Email, Payment, Invoice

Answer Answer to Question 8129

User: root and your on password). This is actually a lot of work and a real hassle to do each time if ...
OutdoorEd — June 2013

Discussion Product file alias tokens from product display

I'm running into an SEO optimization issue here, because of the "Product display" <-> "Commerce product" logic. My product display has two taxonomy fields; category and type. And of course several refenreced products (variat ...
wayaslij — September 2012 — 1 comment

Question Adding image URL to product reference importer to display image in node automatically

product manually to add the HTML. * When the picture is shown in a teaser, I want the user to be able to ...
ndavidg — August 2013 — Import, image, Taxonomy
