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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.

Discussion Views not displaying images for product content types

Greetings, I am able to get my product images to display in views that use product content type. I imagine this requires some relationships setting which i can't seem to figure out. Can somebody tell me the relationship configuration within views to ...
drupalability — August 2012 — 5 comments

Discussion Demo site bugs?

I supposed that the demo site might allow me to add to cart. There's no way to do that, no evidence that there's a cart, no buy button. I was amused to find my way to, which lists Drupal Comm ...
DanLanglois — January 2012 — 5 comments

Discussion Discounted price question

Hi! I've seen the tutorials on this site about price discounts but none of them provided solution for my problem. Here it is: When a discount is applied, I would like to show the old price, overlined, and the new price also. The client would prefer t ...
balintd — November 2011 — 6 comments

Question How do I reset my password if I don't know the current one?

Vote up! 0 Vote down! I'm logged in, but don't know my password. I logged in by clicking a link in the retrieve password function. When I try to change my password now, it askes for my old one. I have none. What do I do? Thank ...
harri00413 — April 2013 — 1 comment —

Discussion Order Object Workflow through Checkout

I suppose we can even cache this cart object in the session or at least for logged in users. When the user ...
Ryan Ryan Szrama — February 2010 — 8 comments

Discussion Changing starting order number?

I recreated my store from UC to Commerce and i think the last thing I need to do is start the order numbers at a specific number. I couldn't get the migration to work so I just opted for a complete rebuild. But now I have no orders. Not a big problem ...
Sean — November 2011 — 6 comments

Question How to recover from PDOException: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation:

implement a new rule based on ... ;components";a:0:{}}}s:8:"included";b:1;}}}) in field_sql_storage_field_storage_write() (line 448 of C:\Users\Rich\Documents\My Web ...
Rich Edwards — April 2013 — 1 comment — Troubleshooting

Discussion Pre-orders

I don't know if there are plans for this yet, but it would be extremely useful to allow customers to pre-order products with Commerce. If products had a release date field then this could be checked when on the product page and the first step would b ...
SkidNCrashwell Gideon Cresswell — January 2011 — 4 comments

Question How can I to relate Customer Profiles to Orders with Rules? Customer Profiles are essential?

gateway and the transaction is completed, the user is redirected to a page of Drupal with the result of ...
cigocf — April 2013 — Order, Customer Profile, Rules

Discussion Rules module- Access Commerce Option Sets

check if user checked/unchecked the boolean field in the option set. According to the users input ...
vdorneanu — March 2012 — 3 comments
