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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.

Question Need some direction for custom line items

Automatically create a new node for each new line item and add those fields there. But it will be messy to ...
ganesh — November 2012 — Custom Line Item, custom field

Discussion Several prices for several roles

Hello, Is it possible to display one alternative price with respect to specific role? thanks ...
spasmody — October 2011 — 1 comment

Question Setting Custom Fields at Checkout Checkout FAQ ...
dannymacom — April 2013 — Checkout, FAQ

Discussion Hide price for anonymous user

I have looked absolutely everywhere. Has anyone been able to find a way to hide pricing for users (not logged in)not able to see the price. Upon login the prices would appear. I want to be able to have people see what products i offer but not pricing. Onc ...
dspock — April 2012 — 19 comments

Answer Answer to Question 4342

Vote up! 0 Vote down! You may want to follow It develops Rules ...
S1L — October 2012

Answer Answer to Question 8302

Node context. What do you want to do with the image or images? ...
Favio Manriquez — May 2013 — 2 comments

Question How to get a discount to consider total quantity of all line items?

( to provide a discount on the purchase of 12 or more items. This is working great as long as there ...
pkchoo — April 2013 — Rules, Pricing Rules, Discount

Question Add to cart not working on Views pages with exposed filters and AJAX enabled

a new filter criteria: Indexed Node: Cagtegory Make this filter exposed. 3. Turn AJAX on at Advanced ...
efes — January 2014 — add to cart error message, Ajax, Views

Discussion Do you know any free alternatives for the Omega Kickstart and Drupal Commerce Kickstart theme?

I downloaded Drupal Commerce Kickstart. It comes with its own theme based on Omega Kickstart, which itself is based on the Omega theme. Unfortunately, this is a rather heavy theme and the multiple inheritances make it a pain to subtheme and customize that ...
John Slegers — May 2014 — 12 comments

Discussion Commerce Feeds and Commerce EU VAT import?

Hello I am using feeds with commerce commerce tamper to import products. I am using EU VAT Commerce. I would like to know if any have you been able to import VAT and how I have 1500 references and 3 possible taxes. I don't know how import and mapping ...
elca — June 2013 — 3 comments
