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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.

Answer Answer to Question 4535

This was made by someone in Australia:) ...
realskorpion — April 2013

Discussion Prepopulating "Catalog in "Product Display" from data in "Catalog" In "Product"

Hello, I was wandering if there is a way the prepopulate my "Catalog" taxonomy term field that is in "product display" with data that is in "Catalog" (same field) in "product"? ...
Narhir Narhir — February 2012 — 1 comment

Answer Answer to Question 13333

selected a main product Please refer to this link for further info ...
docans — March 2014

Discussion Checkout rule: send email to Email Field I created a website with many administrators. Each administrator is responsible for his products ...
tevih — January 2012 — 6 comments

Answer Answer to Question 10795 ...
Wil Buschagne — March 2014

Discussion Checkout: Shipping Rates--> Order Total Auto Update

Hi guys, another question on commerce kickstart. I have created a few shipping options with different prices. These options are now displayed on the first page of the checkout process. Below these options is the shopping cart and on the bottom of the page ...
quvxqy — March 2013 — 3 comments

Answer Answer to Question 3253

analyze the contents of my trade fields and write in my node. Maybe you're right! and I even agree ... accurate information in the node type? ...
woprrr — April 2013

Discussion contact form

Hi, how do i get a contact us form on my contact page. right now i only have text on the page. thanks ...
ariban99 — March 2013 — 3 comments

Question [Solved] How to get the image of a product with variations show up in the display teaser?

field is in the visible fields of both the normal display and the "Node: teaser" display of ... a node to the front page, then in the front page the image of the products with no variations shows up, ...

Answer Answer to Question 3178

for each size of painting that has the same price. 2) You could then create nodes for each painting ... intended on purchasing, you could show the purchasing node from the view edit screen. ...
joshmiller Josh Miller — April 2013
