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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.

Answer Answer to Question 15970

your products and with which node they go to, we often recommend a spreadsheet CSV + Commerce Feeds to ...
joshmiller Josh Miller — September 2014

Answer Answer to Question 12441

Vote up! 0 Vote down! I guess you want to sell digital products? Check this tutorial if so: ...
malovanets — December 2013 — 1 comment

Question How do I Fetch Product Author from Commerce Order With Rules

node to test the concept of grabbing the product's author. ... {"entity_create": {          "USING": {            "type": "node",             ... greatly appreciated. Originally found here Rules Order Product line items ...
xbrianx — July 2013 — Rules, Order, Product, line items

Discussion Can I change product attributes on products listed from a view?

Everything works fine directly on the node, I can change between the different attributes and it changes the ...
robertr81 — January 2012 — 3 comments

Answer Answer to Question 16306

Vote up! 1 Vote down! 1. Confirm you need two different add to cart forms 2. Confirm your Node ...
joshmiller Josh Miller — September 2014

Discussion Setting Up Product Availablity By Date

sell day trips or multi-day trips on my site. Right now on a display node I have a date field set up ... with repeating dates. Let's say this node repeats every weekday and is not available during the ...
xbrianx — May 2013 — 2 comments — Tour, Travel, Booking, Availability

Answer Answer to Question 8993

/ bug report / regression that was mentioned here: A "proper" ...
joshmiller Josh Miller — August 2013

Question How to edit submitted line items?

Line items don't appear to be nodes (I'm assuming that they're entities?)- is there ...
Matt Bernhardt — September 2014 — line items

Answer Answer to Question 12881

Vote up! 0 Vote down! As sorting products manually in each category (term) is really hot in shops to maximise convertion, there must be a general solution for this in Drupal Commerce? Does anyone have solution to this? I can't imagine not a single Dr ...
lennartvv Fernly — February 2014 — 2 comments

Discussion Commerce booking

Afetr installing commerce booking and configuring it by adding commerce booking field to a content type. I created an event type product which displays the way I wanted, but the issue comes in when I click the book button. it display the following error:: ...
motolola — August 2013 — 2 comments — Booking, kickstart, event
