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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.

Question Why is it I can't put the Payment Pane in the Payment page? Or How to separate review pane and payment pane?

when the customer selected an offsite payment method" ( So ...

Answer Answer to Question 10803 ...
joshmiller Josh Miller — March 2014 — 3 comments

Question Product entities for products with 30 + fields?

alone so he doesnt have to upload a second csv file for product display nodes? It seems product display ... nodes are necessary for admin tasks (products don't appear unless they have product displays) and ... entities with no product display nodes? Product Display Product ...
benlawraus — March 2013 — Product Display, Product

Question Product attributes in a product view

must be able to choose one item from the list. I tried making two seperate product nodes for each ... workshop time window. To that product nodes I added the different workshop variations. But now I can't ...

Discussion How to add or edit existing fields on checkout form?

field. I found this article but there is nothing writing about my ...
nawi — March 2012 — 2 comments

Question How do I show per-user discounts? For example, "ON SALE!"

been discounted so that I can show an "ON SALE" image on the display node. Any ideas? Price ...
criley — April 2013 — Price

Discussion Gift Certificates howto I searched the modules page and didn't see anything there either. Am I missing something ... that's never used the site. The gifter would be registered. Maybe: 1) A gift certificate is a node the ... $0 (best way to do this?)- it logs credit amount used and gift user on the gift certificate node 4) ...
MichaelCole — January 2012 — 6 comments

Answer Answer to Question 6197 helped me solve it. I installed Field Translation module first. Hope it works for you as well ...
neutronboy — August 2014

Question Cloud Zoom Container

node-38-product-field-images"> <div class="cloud-zoom-container"></div> </div> </div> <div ... data/informations. <article id="node-kahla-test-19" class="node node-kahla-test node ... -product-type node-published node-not-promoted node-not-sticky self-posted author-admin odd clearfix"> <div ...
insanetc — November 2012 — Product Variation, cloud zoom

Question How do I link a file to commerce file field?

folder browser is great. I can upload large files via FTP and then link them to a node. How can i do this ... My files are between 50mb- 3gb zip files, sp uploading the old fashioned way inside of the node wont ...
Tim Jones — February 2013 — 1 comment — Downloads
