Commerce Wishlist

This module provides a Wishlist to use with Drupal Commerce. It comes with a wishlist page featuring a similar interface to Commerce?s Shopping Cart and a block ? both can be fully and easily customized as they?re backed by the Views module (great for Themers).


  • Provides an ?Add to Wishlist? button on the display product node;
  • Creates a customizable list with Views to display all products on the Wishlist ? both as a page and as a block;
  • Recognizes and stores product variations;
  • Makes it possible for users to easily delete or switch products in their Wishlist to their Shopping Cart with the click of a button;


It should be pretty straightforward. Just install the module, configure the predefined Wishlist Views to meet your needs (if necessary) and you?re good to go.


This project is sponsored by Openquest and Wunderkraut.
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