Commerce Virtex
Virtex is a Canadian BitCoin exchange, who have also launched a payment gateway API that allows merchants to bill in Canadian Dollars (CAD) and receive payment in BitCoin (BTC) at the current rate of exchange.
This is a development module. It works, but it represents a bare-bones implementation of the Virtex API. Use at your own risk!
- Download and enable the module and its standard prerequisites (Drupal 7,
Drupal Commerce etc). - Navigate to the administrative store settings page for payment methods
(admin/commerce/config/payment-methods). - Edit the 'Checkout using Virtex' method.
- Edit the action. Set the 'Merchant Key' and 'Secret Key' values, based on
those in your Virtex account. Save the action. - This part is important - Virtex only accepts Canadian Dollars, so you need
to set your store currency to CAD. This can be done from the store currency
settings page (admin/commerce/config/currency). You should ensure that any
products that you added previously are also set to CAD. - In your Virtex merchant account, you should set the IPN callback URL.
Typically the url should be in the form: