Commerce Paymill


Commerce Paymill is Drupal Commerce module that integrates the Paymill payement gateway into your Drupal Commerce shop.
All development happens on the 2.x branch. The 1.x branch is unmaintained and will have no further releases.


  1. SSL peer verification; it's a sad fact that the vast majority of available payment modules do not do SSL peer validation, thus rendering the site vulnerable to Man in The Middle (MiTM) attacks. If you're not doing it, you're throwing away all the web-of-trust funcionality of the way SSL works on the web, the most critical part of the system.
  2. multiple currencies support.
  3. pre-authorization and capture ? thus avoiding refund charges for you as a merchant in the case of a return by a customer, also allowing complete control of order balancing.
    N.B. Please bear in mind that currently the module doesn't support
    multiple captures. Multiple captures will arrive in a future
    release. Right now you can capture only and only one time.
  4. 3-D Secure support.
  5. card on file functionality that allows for you securely to
    charge a client card without having to deal with the huge hassle of storing credit card numbers.

Note that to enable the card on file funcionality you need to install the 2.x version of the commerce_cardonfile module.


  1. Download and enable the module.
  2. Use the drush command to download the PHP library from github.
    drush paymill <directory>
    where directory is the directory where the module should be installed. By default is sites/all/modules, if on a multisite install and you want to make it available for a given sitename do:
    drush paymill sites/<sitename>/libraries
  3. Get a paymill account and configure the payment rule at admin/commerce/config/payment-methods.
  4. Configure the payment rule (the edit link) with your keys.
  5. Done.

Installation with exit proxy support

A good practice for ecommerce sites keen on security is to use an exit proxy with a white list to filter out all server to server communication.
This exit proxy is usually a forward proxy like Polipo or Squid) configured with a whitelist for allowable hosts to be requested by the server side application being used.
Here are the steps to install the module when using a proxy:

  1. Download and enable the module.
  2. Use the drush command to download the PHP library from github.
    drush paymill <directory>
    where directory is the directory where the module should be installed. By default it installs on sites/all/modules, if on a multisite install and you want to make it available for a particular sitename do:
    drush paymill sites/<sitename>/libraries
  3. Get a paymill account and configure the payment rule at admin/commerce/config/payment-methods.
  4. Configure the payment rule (the edit link) with your keys
  5. On the Proxy settings fieldset configure the proxy.
  6. Add the proxy host, it can be localhost, any domain name that can be resolved or an IP address.
  7. Configure the port number, by default it uses 8080.
  8. Is the proxy a or a HTTP proxy? Configure it.
  9. Does the proxy require authentication? If so then:
    9.1 Choose the authentication method. Defaul is Basic Auth. It supports NTLM also.
    9.2 Add the username.
    9.3 Add the password.
  10. Done.


  1. Release 3.0 adds multi-capture support.
  2. Release 4.0 allows for subscribing Paymill from the module's UI without the neeed to login into Paymill whatsoever.

Development of the module is sponsored by CommerceGuys and Paymill.