Commerce Gestpay
Commerce Gestpay is a Drupal commerce module for Italian payment method Gestpay (Banca Sella / Easynolo). Currently the module implements only the basic plan. Support for advanced and professional plan is under active development.
- Global setting for live/sandbox mode.
- Payment configuration settings per payment type (shop login and currency).
- No needs for external and third part libraries, the module use the Gestpay webservice called WSCryptDecrypt.
- Gestpay support only a small currencies set. Supported currencies are: EUR, USD, GBP, CHF, DKK, NOK, SEK, CAD, JPY, HKD, BRL.
- Basic plan redirects the customer to the Gestpay website for completing the payment process.
Planned features:
- Better settings management.
- Advanced and professional plans support (under development).
- Support for CustomInfo.
Thanks to and Realizzazione Siti Vicenza.