Commerce Kickstart 2.0 Release Candidate

Bojan tagged a release candidate of Commerce Kickstart 2.0 on Monday before taking a well-deserved vacation. This releases solidifies the set of contributed modules and custom code we've built the distribution on, and it brings a high level of polish to visual elements like the customer administration theme.
This release also marks a milestone change in maintenance strategy for the project. Subsequent releases will contain an upgrade path for sites using the distribution in production, with new releases also being packaged up to accommodate contributed module updates.
For more information, you can browse the full changelog in the release notes or grab the packaged distribution and give it a whirl in your development environment. The distribution includes documentation pages and a growing set of videos to help you get started exploring its full set of eCommerce features.
As development of Commerce Kickstart settles down from rapid feature addition into more stable maintenance, keep an eye out for some of the themes and modules in the distribution to be posted as separate projects on for use in non-Kickstart projects. Already you can find tools like the Inline Entity Form and Views Megarow outside this distribution, and we just recently posted the administration theme up as a separate project called Shiny.
We're excited to see what folks start building with Commerce Kickstart 2.0 and with these individual modules on their own sites.
novice drupaler installs drupal commerce
Ryan, Bojan,
I tired first version of kickstart, installing it via drush, like charms on the first attempt, regardless of nul experience with live drupal websites. I am still playing in my sandbox and learning.
It is simply amazing such a complex build can be installed by novice drupaler. That is most certainly your accomplishment and none of my merit. With kickstart2, I had more trouble solving memory–limit than having any other problem. Once I located php.ini-recommended file, within hidden folder usr/local/php5/lib/ and increased it as advised in troubleshooting, installation went the whole way through.
Interestingly, if chosen to have demo shop + internationalization, products are not installed. Without translating option selected, demo shop installs with all products and principal menu contains 4 buttons, filtering out All products view.
I wish my experience invites unexperienced users to dare playing with Drupal Commerce, while help me learn a lot.
I hope i can work soon with
I hope i can work soon with Drupal Commerce because Magento is a slow system with no Community features, bad SEO and not clean extensions.
Beautiful design. Lets see if
Beautiful design. Lets see if this version is better than the first one