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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.

Discussion splitting up cart and orders

split up the order and payment process into different segments based on which user is selling the ... product. It's kind of a marketplace where users can post products and receive payment from those ...
chester_martin — November 2011 — 5 comments

Discussion External and variable prices

and we have synchronised Users and Products but we have an issue with prices. We would like to use ... OpenERP Pricelists that define the Products and their prices. So when a User connects to Drupal + Commerce ... Users and OpenERP Partner is done, synchro with Drupal Products and openERP Products is done. Our ...
lima2x — May 2012 — 2 comments

Question Custom Line Items on Add To Cart form based on product field

type "Ticket" which I need the admin user to tick if they want to make that product ticket ...
GAMe — December 2015 — events dependencies cart

Question Managing memberships and recurring payments

gateway. I have a few questions... 1) I just cannot see how to add manually a role (license) to a user. Say ... account. But how do I add the license? Where to go? Say that a user had a problem with his account and ... to implement? Or, say that a user renews his subscription 2 weeks before it ends. How can the ...
Anne Laposte — September 2014 — 1 comment — license, FAQ

Answer Use the Commerce patch or disable the CCR module

use the Commerce Checkout Redirect module which redirects the anonymous user to the login page instead ... of the checkout! If you disable that module, you'll be able to allow anonymous user to access ...
GuGuss Augustin Delaporte — March 2013

Question Exclude Items from Flat Rate Shipping Calculation

the user orders a t-shirt at $20 and a $100 Gift Card, he should still be charged $10 shipping even ...

Answer Answer to Question 17002

mymodule_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {if ($form_id == 'user ...
senorbond senorbond — July 2015

Discussion Disable QTY on individual line items

one product and I dont want the users to change the quantity. It's like buying a warranty with ...
chaloum — March 2012 — 3 comments

Question Multiple prices remove VAT calculation?

Vote up! 0 Vote down! I'm trying to build a site with 2 different prices per user role. So ... there without including any tax in the price. With a pricing rule i check if the user has the company ... calculated. Also i've added a condition for the sales tax. It should only be added when the user role is ...

Discussion Can Commerce Handle an Insurance Product?

User enters zip code, gender, date of birth, spouse & child(ren) info, etc. Product list is shown ... based on a number of conditions including state and age User selects product & attributes ... (deductible/percentage coverage) and price is shown. User clicks "Apply" User answers qualifying questionnaire ...
clevster28 — January 2013 — 1 comment — insurance, buy now, custom pricing
