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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.

Question Modifying the Checkout procedure

v2 I wish to implement a system where a user can submit an order but an admin must approve orders ... "Awaiting Admin Approval" and path contains 'checkout'. this rule redirects user to a page ... that says 'your order is awaiting approval' 5. Rule that should allow user to checkout once ...
alanmaceoin — March 2013 — 2 comments — Checkout, Checkout Rules

Question How Do I Modify The Order Receipt Page To Add Order Date?

modify it to display the order date field? Eg... TIA. order receipt ...
suntower — October 2014 — order receipt page

Answer Answer to Question 13723

result is not as expected. I want the user to choose his own dessert by selecting a cake, a sauce, and ... and then to propose them to the user... but this is not what I want. Do you have another idea? ...
romsVLM — May 2014

Discussion Create a node product that the purchaser can edit.

I'm having difficulties understanding how I can create a product to sell where the buyer can edit a text field on their own privately bought node. I've come up with a scenario but I don't know how to construct everything. I'm having di ...
BassPlaya — May 2012 — 4 comments

Documentation Currency info hooks

missing. However, modules can use this hook to add custom / site-specific currencies, such as user points ...
Ryan Ryan Szrama — May 2012

Question Why image is not showing up on commerce add to cart confirmation

different per user role. This is not a big deal however I have the product image showing when I am logged in ... as as admin but when i am logged out the user can not see the image in the confirmation. Is there ...

Discussion add a surcharge to order total

I need to add a fixed percentage surcharge to all order totals. Commerce Discount almost meets my needs, using a negative discount value. The only issue is that the required surcharge is 1.12%, but the percentage discount field in commerce discount record ...
tripper54 — September 2012 — 1 comment

Question a simple shop wite commerce

a simple form!user can choose quantity of several prudacts and click to order! in last excuseme,i cannot ...
snaderi — August 2014 — 2 comments — simple

Answer Answer to Question 10844

happening and how to fix it. This is happening in the commerce_kickstart_user module ...
Raj — March 2014

Discussion USPS shipping

I am using the usps shipping module but I cannot get anything but flat rate to show up when I test check out. I have commerce physical installed and the weight field is in the product entity. I added weights to product, but when I tried to check out, it s ...
kt999 — June 2015 — 1 comment
