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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.

Discussion Checking past orders with Rules

Can I check with Rules past orders of the acting user? When user adds new digital product to the ... cart, I want to loop through all items in the past orders of that user to search, if the same digital ... product exists there or not. I am currently not able to bring up past orders of current user, only the ...
sketman — June 2012 — 1 comment

Documentation Installing from scratch

user interface. The modular nature of Drupal Commerce supports this out of the box. Once the modules ...
smokinggoat — June 2013 — 1 comment

Discussion Booking System

I am working on developing a site that allows users to select a date and make a payment on their ... booking. Once a user has booked a date ie. made the payment then that date is no longer available. and ...
z_khn06 — September 2011 — 5 comments

Documentation Core Architecture

The specification is not a tutorial or guide for new users, nor is it a complete set of API ...
Admin — May 2012

Question How to create a multiple store use Drupal commerce?

Vote up! 0 Vote down! How to create a multiple store use Drupal commerce. User can post product, ...
vuminhtuan — August 2013 — multiple store

Discussion Conditionally show/hide collections with Commerce Kickstart

authenticated users. Or in other words: Some collections should only be visible to people who have at least the ... role "Authenticated User". I already added a field "authenticated users only" to ... filter the items that are being shown to the users. I tried multiple ways like the module ...
Ruediger Hahn — May 2016 — 1 comment — collection, Commerce Kickstart, conditional

Documentation Social Logins using Connector

credentials. Step 3: Make sure permissions are setup correctly. To allow anonymous users the ability to login ... using a facebook account, you must give anonymous users the permission to "Connect with ...
joshmiller Josh Miller — December 2012 — Commerce Kickstart 7.x-2.x — Status: Needs technical review

Answer Answer to Question 13367

user IDs mapped to your entries? ...
delta195 delta195 — March 2014 — 1 comment

Documentation Discounts and Coupons

actions can only use data specific to the product (i.e. not the day of the week or user roles). Even with ... very possible to allow users to add coupons via line item (when someone clicks an add to cart link) or ... over how to create a conditional discount for a user role. Simple Coupon Code per Line Item Add ...
joshmiller Josh Miller — November 2012 — Drupal Commerce 7.x-1.x — Status: No Known Problems

Question How do I base a new account username on the Billing Name for an anonymous order?

user name for a new account for an anonymous order but the Billing Name instead. I have cloned the ... "Create a new entity" action to use the Billing Name instead of email address as the new user name. ... commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:user:name resorts to "Guest" which is my anonymous user. Checkout Rules Rules Customer Profile ...
