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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.

Blog Adding Paid Content to an Existing Drupal Blog

content that can only be viewed by paid subscribers. Provide a single page where a user can select their ... Commerce License Role- These modules to apply roles to a user when they complete a transaction. Commerce ... creates an account for an anonymous user and logs them in. Node View Permissions- Allows permissions to be ...
nvahalik Nicholas Vahalik — June 2014 — 3 comments

Module Commerce Shipping

UPS, and others. Shipping service availability and rate calculation is handled in the user interface ... complex shipping scenarios. Developers and users of this module should use the new and improved Commerce ... IT and Commerce Guys. Just getting started? We are still adding to the Commerce Shipping 2.0 user ...
googletorp googletorp — February 2011 — 13180 Installs

Blog Commerce 2.x: Unit, Kernel, and Functional Tests Oh My!

value="/Users/mglaman/Drupal/sites/commerce2x/www/sites/simpletest/browser_output"/>     <ini name="display_errors" value="On" />     <ini ...
mglaman Matt Glaman — June 2016 — 4 comments

Blog Commerce 2.x Stories: Stores

Last time we talked about currencies. Now it's time for arguably one of the biggest new concepts in Commerce 2.x: stores. Stores represent billing locations, and were made to cover two primary use cases. Click here to find out what they are... ...
bojanz Bojan Zivanovic — November 2015 — 11 comments

Module Commerce Giftwrap

This module adds a new checkout pane with configuration settings to allow users to select a gift ...
splatio — November 2011 — 79 Installs

Module Commerce Webform

a new product field. The productfield allows the listing of one or more products which the site user ... would then select from. When the form is submitted the products are added to the users shopping cart. ... the user has paid for the products in their basket, the webform submission is updated and all products ...
ceng — April 2012 — 351 Installs
SOFORT Banking for Drupal Commerce

Module SOFORT Banking for Drupal Commerce This project has been sponsored by PARAGON Executive Services GmbH: Providing IT services as ...
— July 2013 — 11 Installs

Module Commerce Payment: Suomen Verkkomaksut

Features Let users pay for orders through Suomen Verkkomaksut. Testing credentials included. Supports both ...
Rade — February 2012 — 31 Installs
Commerce CCAvenue Payment Gateway

Module Commerce CCAvenue Payment Gateway

( in Drupal Commerce. This will come as a boon to Drupal Commerce users in India looking to use an ...
saran.quardz — November 2011 — 89 Installs

Module Commerce Maksuturva

Integration features Let users pay for orders through Maksuturva Keeps track of payment status in Maksuturva ...
juhaniemi — November 2011 — 1 Installs
