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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.

Question Theme & Use Panels to create Product Displays [Need step-by-step help]

and Panel Nodes. I am not sure where to start so that I can make my own Panel-based layout for the ...

Answer Answer to Question 7066

need the Display Suite module: You can see what you need here: ...
realskorpion — April 2013

Discussion Commerce Bundle with Commerce Options

Hello, drupal commerce is a very nice tool. Actually I am looking for a way to use commerce bundle together with commerce options. The modules: Here some more in ...
Robert Neidel — September 2014 — 1 comment — bundle, product options

Answer Only when managing the reference fields programatically

manage your products will be displayed on the product node create/edit form! As the API documentation ...
GuGuss Augustin Delaporte — March 2013

Answer Answer to Question 3332

a module (found at <?php function YOURMODULE_field_attach_view_alter ...
lmeurs — May 2014

Discussion How to create a Product Catalog in Commerce Kickstart 2

Hey, people: I have been working my CK2 site and I been running into an issue with understanding how to items to the category menu. I have added the additional taxonomy term to the Product Category, but the terms are not automatically added to the menu ba ...
Louis Preston Thornton — August 2013 — 1 comment

Answer Answer to Question 3472 ...
Ryan Ryan Szrama — April 2013

Question Updating stock using preprocess

preprocess_node altered the stock value in the database, but I'm not sure what I'd need to set in ...
Pfriedo — August 2013 — Product, Stock

Answer Answer to Question 13730

specific to Commerce itself, so tread lightly on any Drupal 7 site for any entity type (e.g. nodes, users, ...
Ryan Ryan Szrama — May 2014

Discussion configurable product with textfield?

Hi, is it possible to create product with text input field in current drupal commerce? I need to create personalizable product where you can input your text to be written on it. If it is not possible, what would be your aproach to implement it? Thank you ...
tuft — August 2011 — 1 comment
