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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.

Question Commerce Line Item Rules not sticking even after Entity Save I have the latest versions of Drupal (7.14) Commerce (1.3) and Rules (2.1) To reproduce: Add ...
yfreeman — April 2013 — Rules

Discussion Commerce PDF Invoice

Hello, did anybody manage to do something useful with Commerce PDF invoice module? Najtsirk ...
Najtsirk — October 2011 — 4 comments

Discussion Default product display

Hello, I'm new to the Commerce module and I need some hints about this: I have created a product type Tshirt with variations on Size and Color. I have created all the fields, everything works fine, the user can choose the size and color on the produc ...
Netek — November 2011 — 6 comments

Discussion Discounted price question

Hi! I've seen the tutorials on this site about price discounts but none of them provided solution for my problem. Here it is: When a discount is applied, I would like to show the old price, overlined, and the new price also. The client would prefer t ...
balintd — November 2011 — 6 comments

Discussion Cart view

Hi, I create a product type with some fields then I added the corresponding content type, everything is ok but I can not add the fields in the cart form. My fields don't appear in the views fields, it seems that in the cart form my product are not of ...
adib — July 2011 — 2 comments

Discussion i18n thoughts/needs

Just want to start a thread around i18n and multilingual sites. Ubercart has a number of issues around this and I want to do what I can to help Drupal Commerce (DC) avoid these:) I saw a white board picture showing some of the brainstorming for DC and was ...
totsubo — January 2010 — 18 comments

Discussion Drupal Theme for Drupal Commerce

Hiya I am sure this has been discussed but I cant seem to find a way to search the forums. So I was hoping to get some suggestions of some great themes to use for Drupal Commerce? Thanks Tyrone ...
tyronerubin — March 2011 — 4 comments

Question Performance issues

the node_view hooks to multiply the number of queries per product entity. When I remove the ...

Discussion Importing from poorly generated data feeds in CSV format

Firstly I've got to say that what you guys are doing is awesome. The thing is I'm struggling to do automated imports (I've been looking into Feeds module for this) but I need to know if what I have to go on with i correct. I am trying to se ...
pixel8 — August 2011 — 3 comments

Discussion Editable attributes in cart view?

Greetings! How would I go about placing editable attributes in the cart view? Once a users selects the products attribute (small, medium or large), I can get the attribute they select to display in the Shopping Cart (or cart view). How would I go about gi ...
dono1 — December 2012 — 2 comments — cart, Line Items, product attributes
