
Payment transaction entity

More information on the Payment transaction entity forthcoming.

See commerce_payment.module for now.

From commerce_payment.module 7.x-1.2:

// Local payment transaction status definitions:

// Pending is used when a transaction has been initialized but is still awaiting
// resolution; e.g. a CC authorization awaiting capture or an e-check payment
// pending at the payment provider.

// Success is used when a transaction has completed resulting in money being
// transferred from the customer to the store or vice versa.

// Failure is used when a transaction cannot be completed or is rejected.

// Credit card transaction types definitions:

// Used to just authorize an amount on a credit card account.
define('COMMERCE_CREDIT_AUTH_ONLY', 'authorize');

// User to just capture an amount on a credit card account.
define('COMMERCE_CREDIT_CAPTURE_ONLY', 'capture');

// Used to capture funds from a prior authorization.
define('COMMERCE_CREDIT_PRIOR_AUTH_CAPTURE', 'prior_auth_capture');

// Used to authorize and capture money all at once.
define('COMMERCE_CREDIT_AUTH_CAPTURE', 'auth_capture');

// Used to set up a credit card reference through the payment gateway.
define('COMMERCE_CREDIT_REFERENCE_SET', 'reference_set');

// Used to capture funds using a credit card reference.
define('COMMERCE_CREDIT_REFERENCE_TXN', 'reference_txn');

// Used to remove a reference from the payment gateway.
define('COMMERCE_CREDIT_REFERENCE_REMOVE', 'reference_remove');

// Used to credit funds to a reference at the payment gateway.
define('COMMERCE_CREDIT_REFERENCE_CREDIT', 'reference_credit');

// Used to credit funds to a credit card account.
define('COMMERCE_CREDIT_CREDIT', 'credit');

// Used to void a transaction before the transaction clears.
define('COMMERCE_CREDIT_VOID', 'void');