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Topic Posted by Last updatedsort ascending Replies
Shipping: how to display shipping details or info in the shipping pane of checkout? thelauman Jul 5, 4pm 4 (aidan)
How to handle bras PedroKTFC Jul 3, 2am 4 (iqxmk)
Cash in advance module existing? sammyfm Jun 26, 4am 1 (sammyfm)
Different Checkout for Different Product types stufosis Jun 25, 6am 2 (gerald)
Donation and a Custom Price when Adding to Cart aaronortega Jun 20, 5pm 1 (aaronortega)
Registered Users Losing Cart Contents? JuggoPop Jun 19, 2pm 1 (JuggoPop)
How to dynamically calculate the sell price of a product using rules stefano.marodin Jun 18, 2pm 9 (Olvikolvi)
Dynamic price calculation before Add to cart bart Jun 18, 2pm 1 (Olvikolvi)
Checkout Review in Checkout Complete herpes Jun 17, 6pm 1 (Dan Royer)
Adding the Read More tresero Jun 14, 11pm 1 (Thomas Isabelle)
Is it possible to sell streaming media access rather than downloads? cpelham Jun 11, 5pm 1 (Summit)
Theming product field in template.php D7 jasondecamp Jun 11, 2pm 2 (corning)
add email address to customer profile display muschpusch Jun 10, 11am 4 (Summit)
Proposals for a commerce booking system camdarley Jun 10, 12am 1 (happyguilmore)
Commerce File Module: Free download of product file on zero price ? itamair Jun 8, 10am 1 (Hendrik Martens)
fake users registations? TrueSign Jun 7, 12pm 4 (realskorpion)
product cost field calculated as unit price in admin PO ewyglend Jun 3, 4pm 1 (Thomas Isabelle)
commerce_cart_add_to_cart_form_attributes_refresh and drupal_alter rj Jun 3, 9am 3 (vlad.dancer)
Personal collection in the physical shop Tamas Amon Jun 2, 9pm 2 (realskorpion)
Order numbers only for completed orders maestro82 Jun 2, 11am 1 (dakrcz)
Check box for a binary attribute groggy May 30, 6pm 1 (mknet)
Triggering a Javascript with Rules when an order is complete. jberg1 May 30, 1pm 1 (realskorpion)
shopping cart block number of items only webcrayon May 30, 1pm 3 (Erik Peterson)
Theming the display node ioioio May 30, 10am 2 (bharata)
To customize product display teaser for Drupal 7 maxchock May 30, 10am 1 (bharata)
Checkout: Shipping Rates --> Order Total Auto Update quvxqy May 30, 6am 3 (pari)
Token for Order number jmr3460 May 29, 10am 1 (Orkut Murat Yılmaz)
UPS shipping method jyoti May 29, 6am 6 (jyoti)
Mark a product as new.. jyoti May 29, 5am 7 (CptAnt)
Drupal Commerce dynamic Line Item update sisko May 28, 3pm 4 (sisko)
partial string search manox May 27, 11am 1 (metingul)
Wrong price calculation sammyfm May 27, 5am 5 (kishor)
Product displays required to display a single product? RKopacz May 26, 6pm 2 (realskorpion)
multimarket with drupalcommerce ScienziatoBestia May 26, 6pm 2 (ScienziatoBestia)
User focused documentation of the product aspects of kickstart demo charlied May 24, 12pm 1 (harpsichord)
Add Remove products Button to Shopping Cart fmoutawe May 23, 10am 2 (ron_ron)
i don't want to sell online i just want to put information about available products! Saber May 22, 3pm 2 (Saber)
Change the way product categories are being displayed? Sven May 22, 6am 1 (anodenymous)
Detect in javascript when add to cart widget updates product fields olliebourne May 21, 8am 1 (olliebourne)
Load line item's prices in an array evanasse May 21, 6am 1 (Favio Manriquez)
Commerce File and Videos johnwiggity May 20, 4pm 6 (johnwiggity)
Book lending library jovemac May 20, 12pm 1 (xbrianx)
See more link on product pages barney May 20, 11am 1 (barney)
Own entity as product entity svendecabooter May 20, 8am 4 (Ravi.J)
Subtheme of Omega Kickstart CptAnt May 20, 8am 2 (CptAnt)
Re-entering slideshow ianf May 18, 9pm 2 (ianf)
Rich snippets for Drupal Commerce? nawi May 17, 12pm 4 (Josh Miller)
Cart dissapears for anonymous when adding a product referenced field Pol Maresma May 17, 8am 1 (Pol Maresma)
Selling Services kahiri83 May 16, 9am 3 (xbrianx)
email notifications joyseeker May 15, 6am 2 (jasminedb)


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