Drupal Commerce is tightly integrated with Drupal 7, the latest and greatest version of the Drupal CMS. This means we can depend on the same great tools used on millions of websites throughout the internet.
- Drupal (wikipedia)
- Learn More Drupal
- Why Drupal? by Commerce Guys
It lets you quickly create tailor-made e-commerce solutions by making as few assumptions as possible about the business model of merchants using the software. Where the project does make assumptions, it implements them through customizable systems.
- List of Features (DrupalCommerce.org)
- Flexible Business Rules by Commerce Guys
- Why Open Source? by Commerce Guys
You can easily extend any aspect of Drupal Commerce through free third-party extensions (called modules). These modules integrate third party services for payment, shipping, and accounting and add additional features like coupons, file downloads, and checkout extensions.
- Categorized list of available extensions
- Drupal.org List of Commerce Modules
- Drupal.org List of all Modules (almost 5,000!)
We're developing pre-packaged distributions of Drupal Commerce that bundle everything together that you need to install and go, including Drupal 7, the Commerce modules, and additional contributed modules.
- We keep a list of available distributions.
- Commerce Kickstart by Commerce Guys
The quickest way to see Drupal Commerce in action is to browse the demo store to get a feel for the customer experience "out of the box." As you're browsing the site, you should keep in mind that literally anything can be customized, whether it's through the user interface or adding custom CSS to your site's theme.
We don't have a public administrative demo just yet, so your next step would be to refer to the User Guide to find out how to install Drupal Commerce and configure it either on your own web server or local machine if you have the capability.
We strive to be developer friendly. We've included a lot of comments in the code itself to help developers understand the core APIs and inner-workings of the Commerce systems. We're continuing to flesh out the Developer Guide here on DrupalCommerce.org, and we encourage developers to file bug reports in the issue tracker and find support in IRC (#drupal-commerce on irc.freenode.net) where we try to be very responsive.
- Drupal is a registered trademark of Dries Buytaert.
Drupal Commerce content on DrupalCommerce.org is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.