Drupal Commerce Blog

What's happening in the world of Drupal Commerce.

Using permissions to allow users to create products

How to setup a user who can create products.

Today we have another quick screencast answering a question in the Q&A section of drupalcommerce.org. This user, golubovicm, has asked "Edit own products permission" is not working! First off, that's not the best way to phrase a question, but it does happen that a number of people are wondering how to set up a user to create, edit, and delete their own products. So, we've created a quick screencast to walk you through how to set this up.

The permissions you need:

Create new content
Edit own content
Delete own content

... of any product display content type, and ...

Create "___" products
Edit own "___" products
View own "___" products

You might need to create a view to help users see a list of products they can edit. In the screencast, I didn't actually click "Edit" for any of the products made by the stripped down user. Just tried that and the functionality works as expected.

Josh Miller
Posted: Jan 3, 2014